When sustainable products seem to fail it is easy to blame the consumers for not being interested. But first challenge yourselves against my 3 C's to see if you have launched a winning concept using the normal rules of marketing.
As an example the S.C. Johnson Mister Muscle refill packs I believe have not been a success.
That could be a surprise to some as the the C cost is competitive and the packs are surely C convenient. But the C of comfort or brand engagement is weak. The small refill is frankly ugly vs the familiar, well known and strongly promoted mother packs. These have distinctive bottle design elements an orange colour which create a subliminal recognition cues.
S.C. Johnson, in my view, need to create a Mini-Me and I am sure the cuteness and brand cue recognition will create sales momentum. Let us see what they do to make this refill the success it should be.